- bodily sensation
- телесное ощущение
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
sensation + cinema — by Constantine Verevis In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze states that the modern work of art leaves the domain of representation in order to become pure experience: a transcendental empiricism or science of the sensible (D 1994: 56).… … The Deleuze dictionary
sensation + cinema — by Constantine Verevis In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze states that the modern work of art leaves the domain of representation in order to become pure experience: a transcendental empiricism or science of the sensible (D 1994: 56).… … The Deleuze dictionary
sensation — [sen sā′shən] n. [LL sensatio < sensatus: see SENSATE] 1. the power or process of receiving conscious sense impressions through direct stimulation of the bodily organism [the sensations of hearing, seeing, touching, etc.] 2. an immediate… … English World dictionary
sensation — sensationless, adj. /sen say sheuhn/, n. 1. the operation or function of the senses; perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses. 2. a mental condition or physical feeling resulting from stimulation of a sense organ or from internal… … Universalium
sensation — noun Etymology: Medieval Latin sensation , sensatio, from Late Latin, understanding, idea, from Latin sensus Date: 1615 1. a. a mental process (as seeing, hearing, or smelling) resulting from the immediate external stimulation of a sense organ… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sensation — In medicine and physiology, sensation refers to the registration of an incoming (afferent) nerve impulse in that part of the brain called the sensorium, which is capable of such perception. Therefore, the awareness of a stimulus as a result of… … Medical dictionary
sensation — noun 1 feeling ADJECTIVE ▪ bodily, physical, tactile ▪ delicious, pleasant, pleasurable, wonderful ▪ painful … Collocations dictionary
bodily hallucination — Also known as body sensation hallucination. Both terms are used interchangeably as umbrella terms for the notions of * tactile hallucination and * somatic hallucination. In other words, both terms refer to a hallucination experienced in the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
bodily — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Bodily is used with these nouns: ↑discomfort, ↑fluid, ↑function, ↑injury, ↑movement, ↑need, ↑organ, ↑pain, ↑sensation, ↑warmth, ↑waste {{Roman}}II … Collocations dictionary
sensation — sen•sa•tion [[t]sɛnˈseɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses 2) a mental condition or physical feeling resulting from stimulation of a sense organ or from internal bodily change, as cold or pain 3) phl the faculty… … From formal English to slang
body sensation hallucination — see bodily hallucination … Dictionary of Hallucinations